Sunday, March 08, 2020

Second Week of Lent - p. 29-49

Second Week of Lent: p. 29-49
  • How does the way you live reflect the idea that you are loved?
  • In a conversation with Jesus, what might you hear/say?
  • How can I better let “my little lights shine” where I live?
  • How can I live a more joy-filled life?
  • How did you find grace and gratitude as you pondered these thoughts?

1 comment:

drjulie said...

Second Week of Lent:
My daughters and my grandchildren are my biggest reminder of being loved. I try to make sure the last thing any of them hear from me is that I love them, even when I am angry with them. I think you know you are loved if you can be hurt by them unfortunately. I know I always get more happiness from doing something for someone than for myself.
My conversations with Jesus have been going on since I was a young child and had trouble falling to sleep in my darkened bedroom. My mom always insisted all lights were out at a certain time; I could never get to sleep. So I told Jesus stories, talking to them in my head. I still do that...and I still have trouble going to sleep. I don't have trouble talking to Jesus, but I have to work on listening better. I wish Jesus could answer some of the life questions that plague me, especially about Adam's loss. I want to know that Adam is with them, whatever that means. The silence is deafening at times. I try to find joy in little things...the full moon that I can blow kisses to my grandchildren through, Mari my cat's antics, an evening of quiet sharing with Dan. A day at a time means a day that I pray for peace and blessings for each of the families I love and for joy and safety for my grandchildren. I like to fall asleep with those prayers on my lips...or share them in the shower. I keep adding to the latter list. The grace I receive is about the gratitude I feel for being still able to think and feel these ideas and feelings.