Tuesday, March 03, 2020

First Week of Lent: p.9-28

·      How could I handle my time better?
·      What do I need to say yes/no to…what does God want me to do?
·      How can I live with the mystery of life more positively?
·      How do I live with constant change…or no change?
·      What can I learn from the present that is worth saving for the future?

1 comment:

drjulie said...

The gift of time has always been a big thing to me ever since my husband gave me a bottle of thyme with that message. I have given it to my daughters especially Sara. In sending her some gifts of thyme I found it means courage, elegance, all that fit her so much. Sometimes I think it takes courage to handle time better, to break ourselves of habits that take us away from the author of time. I was reviewing Dan's new book for him and he talks about thinking of the age of young children in months instead of years, i.e. 24 months feels like less than two years old. I am finding I have a need to think of the time since Adam's passing in terms of months, 28, instead of over two years. I feel each of those months more than a span of two years.
What do I need to say yes/no...I was struck by the idea of recalling our yes/no to God...and what God wants me to do. My life experience has been that I am amazed by God's hand in my life...why this joy, why this pain, what am I supposed to learn, why did this happen as it did? I know I made choices, and I don't blame God for the results...but sometimes I wonder why...and wondering is all it is. I try to find a positive even when it doesn't seem to be there. I remember hearing Adam was gone...and yelling, no, no, no. Again, the element of never entered my life and that seems like the heart of the mystery. My analytical personality will always try to find a reason while recognizing that for many things there is no reason. My faith has questioned some of the doctrines of the church but never the existence of my God. That is one factor that allows me to live with constant change.
What can I learn from the present or even today that is worth saving for the future? That to me is one of the beauties of human nature...we do more than be born, live, and die. We also remember. There will probably come a day when I don't remember the past and are required to live in the present moment...but that's okay too. Because somewhere in me will be all the memories I have saved or lost that made a moment in time worthwhile living.