Saturday, February 29, 2020

Lent 2020 Introductory Week

The book we are sharing is called Finding God in the Mess. It is available through Loyola Press 

Some wonderings for this week:
  • How do you remain connected to the "source of life", particularly when life seems to be draining from you?
  • What do others...and God... see you offering to the world that you don't see in yourself? 
  • How can you find grace and gratitude as you ponder these thoughts?

1 comment:

drjulie said...

Sometimes it seems like the day passes and I literally forget to pray. I find myself reciting my list of prayer petitions as I try to fall asleep at night. I struggle with trying to be more prayer-filled, but my head seems to be in too many places. Even though I have ample time alone, I fill it up with other things...not time with my God. I want to change that. Dan gave me the gift of "thyme" when we first met; I need to give that gift back to the one who gifted me with it in the first place.
I know many others see me as a giving person, but for me, every time I give to someone else I get much more out of it than they do. I heard someone say recently that we need to ask ourselves if we would do something for someone else, why wouldn't we do the same thing for ourselves. Yet I thrive on's as though it's only okay if someone else benefits from what I am doing.
I need to give in that same way in grace and gratitude to my God.